jueves, 14 de enero de 2010


----- Original Message -----
From: Joy Olson, WOLA
To: monitorhavana@enet.cu
Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2010 5:24 PM
Subject: Relief for Haiti

Dear Friend,

Today officials are only beginning to assess the devastation caused by the worst earthquake in Haiti in the last 200 years.

While WOLA is not a relief organization we ask you to contribute generously to relief and development efforts as they get underway. At the bottom of this email are links to a few such organizations.

Be assured that generous US support for relief and reconstruction efforts in Haiti will be a part of WOLA's advocacy agenda on foreign assistance this year.

Please say a prayer for Haiti and do what you can.


Joy Olson
Executive Director
Washington Office on Latin America


Church World Service:http://www.churchworldservice.org/site/PageServer?pagename=how_donate

Catholic Relief Services: https://secure.crs.org/site/Donation2?df_id=3181&3181.donation=form1

American Jewish World Service: https://secure.ajws.org/site/Donation2?df_id=3460&3460.donation=form1

Care: https://my.care.org/site/Donation2?5000.donation=form1&df_id=5000

Red Cross: https://american.redcross.org/site/Donation2?4306.donation=form1&idb=1324549179&df_id=4306

Oxfam America: https://secure.oxfamamerica.org/site/Donation2?df_id=3560&3560.donation=form1

MercyCorps: https://donate.mercycorps.org/donation.htm?DonorIntent=Haiti+Earthquake

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